

NSC, Mahon, Cork, Ireland.




+353 21 2307117

Sandra Patton

Sandra Patton

Tenego Sydney, Australia

Sandra Patton is regarded as an expert in business development in new markets particularly within the Asia Pacific Region covering a number of areas in digital media and disruptive technologies.

Sandra has been developing partner networks for a number of European and North American vendors within the cross channel communications technologies working in the Singaporean, Hong Kong and China markets with some work into Malaysia, Indonesia and Thailand. She has sourced and negotiated with local companies partnership agreements as well as developing end user pipeline, and in once case secured a large e-commerce client in a competitive environment to be one company's major global client.

A business strategist, Sandra works very tactically on a go to market strategy incorporating all aspects of distribution; including direct, resellers, partnerships and alliances. The aim is to ensure a win for the client company as well as SaaS.

Sandra holds degrees in Economics, Political Science and Journalism and has undertaken numerous management courses


NSC, Mahon, Cork, Ireland

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Tenego is building a presence in every key technology market around the world, through partnering with expert business development practitioners within these markets.

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